Best Incense for Meditation

what incense is good for meditation

Last Updated on October 31, 2023 by IncenseJunction

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Meditation is a practice that has been crucial to several religions including some Eastern religions and Buddhism. Meditation is very helpful when it comes to calming your mind, and allowing yourself to let go of things that bother you, and instead focus on how things are.

If you have meditated before, or have observed someone meditating, you have noticed that meditation almost always goes with the burning of incense. But why use incense during meditation?

Burning incense allows you to concentrate better and quiet your mind completely. If you ever find yourself distracted during meditation, burning incense might just be what you need to get into it better.

There are different types of incense out there, each associated with a certain aspect such as sleep, focus, and many more. What incense is good for meditation? Certain fragrances are much better suited for meditation. In this post, we are going to address the best incense for meditation and much more.

Here we go…

Why Do People Burn Incense during Meditation

Before we discuss meditation incense to consider, we should understand why exactly it is burned during meditation.

There are many spiritual benefits that you can enjoy from burning incense, some of which are crucial during meditation. For instance, when good incense for meditation is burned, it produces a calming aroma that will allow your mind to focus better when you are meditating.

You will notice that before meditation, most Buddhists will take some minutes to light candles, after which they light incense sticks. They will then proceed to meditate. The process of lighting a candle and incense will give you the appropriate mindset you need for meditation. Your mind can clear, start focusing on the process of meditation, and when you are finally ready, you will be completely ready for meditation.

Note: More practice, just like it is with any other routine, will allow your mind to become better at focusing during meditation.

We also know that different people have different preferences, which is why we recommend that you try out different types of incense if you are a beginner. That way, you will learn to pinpoint the meditation incense scents that work best for you.

Best Incense Scents for Meditation

The truth is, that there are many types of incense on the market. They are even in different forms such as essential oils, sticks, and cones. Therefore, it can be challenging to find the best incense sticks for meditation since each unique incense has a different set of benefits and characteristics. In this section, we will talk about the most popular and efficient meditation incense.

  1. Frankincense

This is the best incense for meditation for several reasons. It is the most popular. It is known to have the strongest calming effects compared to other types. It can be found in different forms including essential oils, even though it works better for meditation as an incense stick. It is very easy to burn incense sticks. Frankincense can promote peace and relaxation when burned. To make things better, it is one of the best incense that will help relieve you of anxiety or stress. These are aspects that are very useful during meditation. For more Frankincense incense benefits read this article.

  1. Cinnamon

Cinnamon by itself is associated with fire. For that reason, people relate it to fire elements that include warmth and passion. It is also known to increase a person’s sexual desires while increasing their energy levels at the same time. When meditating, you can take advantage of cinnamon, avoiding any negative emotions while meditating.

  1. Sage

Sage could simply be the best incense for deep meditation. For many years, different tribes and cultures have made use of incense to eradicate any negative energies in the environment. This is a type of incense that is used for cleansing property, spaces, or even people.

When you burn sage incense during meditation, you can eradicate any anger, illness, or evil around you. That way, you can meditate better without any interruptions that might affect your focus.

Also, read: How Often Should You Sage your House?

  1. Sandalwood

You can also choose to use sandalwood incense for meditation, and cleansing. This is a type of incense that has a smokey, woody, warm, and sweet aroma. Its fragrance is unique, something you will hardly forget.

Sandalwood is associated with relieving tension and creating awareness. These are very important aspects of meditation. It is among the best types of incense for creativity. Apart from meditation, you can use this incense when working so that you can be more productive.

  1. Lavender

Lavender produces a woody, floral, and sweet fragrance. It is a great scent if you want to relax, and clear your mind, in addition to many other benefits. You will find different varieties. Regardless, they are associated with eradicating stress and relaxing. For meditation, we recommend that you try out incense with lighter scents.

  1. Agarwood

This incense can also be used as a meditation incense. It is a base for most of the sticks available in the market. It is known to have a very effective relaxation effect. That is the main reason why it is recommended for meditation.

  1. Amber

When you burn Amber, you will notice a rich, warm, and earthy aroma that most people love. As for its main benefits, amber is known to be a balancing and calming fragrance. These are important aspects that might be helpful during meditation.

  1. Cedar & Pine

Cedar and pine incense qualify as some of the best incense for meditation. When burnt, cedar and pine are known to produce an aroma and beauty associated with nature, used to rejuvenate your body and mind. They will easily promote positivity and reduce depression. It is better if you found a lighter scent of either of the two for your meditation.

  1. Nag Champa

Is Nag Champa good for meditation? Nag Champa is a great addition for people who enjoy meditation or yoga. It is known to have the benefit of calming your mind and eradicating the chatter and noise around you. You are, therefore, able to focus better on your meditation.


  • Should I burn incense when I meditate?

The smell of incense can help to calm the mind, making it easier to focus on your meditation practice. You might find that using incense during meditation helps to settle your thoughts and emotions, making it easier to concentrate on whatever you’re doing or saying at that time.

Some people believe that burning incense during a session of mindfulness will help them achieve deeper levels of concentration than they would otherwise manage. However, there’s no scientific evidence to support this claim at present.

  • Is rose incense good for meditation?

The aroma of rose incense is a favorite among many people. The scent can help calm you down and allow you to relax. Rose incense is also used for meditation purposes, because it helps you to focus and concentrate on your breathing. For more rose incense benefits click here.

  • Is dragon blood incense good for meditation?

Dragon’s blood incense has been used for centuries by many cultures around the world. It was used as part of religious rituals, as well as for medicinal purposes, in ancient times.

Today, dragon’s blood incense continues to be popular among those who practice meditation and other spiritual practices. Many people believe that it has healing powers that can help them reach higher levels of consciousness during meditation sessions.

It has also been said that dragon’s blood incense can help you open up your third eye chakra so you can see into the future and receive messages from your higher self (your soul).

Also, read:


Meditation is highly recommended. However, for you to enjoy the great benefits associated with meditation, you will have to focus completely. If you find it harder to find the concentration you need for meditation, try burning incense with any fragrance mentioned above.

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