Why Do I Shake During Meditation?


Last Updated on March 15, 2023 by IncenseJunction

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There is a lot that you can expect from meditation. The moment you get the hang of meditation, you will start to experience certain aspects of your body that you did not know before. Some are pretty obvious since they are physical sensations you feel.

You can notice colors, twitching, spiritual chills, movements, or even some trembling on different parts of your body. Even though you can expect it, you can agree that it would feel much better if you knew exactly why you are shaking during meditation.

So, why do I shake during meditation? We have prepared this brief post to provide you with a short post to explain just that. Read on for a better understanding.

Understanding the Shaking Sensation During Meditation

During meditation, it’s not uncommon to experience physical sensations such as shaking, and it’s important not to be alarmed by this phenomenon. A shaking sensation is actually a form of trauma-releasing exercise (TRE), also known as shaking meditation.

TRE is a set of seven exercises designed to retrain the brain and release physical and emotional tension in the body. It is important to understand that only four things can happen during meditation: awareness of the mantra or focus of meditation, experience of thoughts or sensations, falling asleep, or entering the stillness between thoughts known as “the gap”.

The shaking sensation may also be linked to the breathing rate during meditation, which slows down as the body relaxes. Ultimately, the shaking sensation is a natural and beneficial part of the meditation process, indicating that the body is releasing tension and facilitating a deeper sense of relaxation and well-being.

Why is your Body Shaking during Meditation?

To be honest, there are different reasons why you would be shaking while meditating. However, there is a very simple reason for shaking during meditation.

Your nervous system will constantly send signals to fibers that your muscles have. When this happens, your fibers will either contract or expand.

The main aim of meditation is to allow your body and mind to process feelings, thoughts, as well as experiences. To do this, you stop noticing what is external and concentrate on the internal. That allows for more processes in your body to react.

It is a distribution of energy to the body, which is done by your nervous system. During this time, your body will easily start twitching or shaking completely.

Factors Contributing to the Shaking Sensation

When it comes to the factors contributing to the shaking sensation, several key factors come to mind. One such factor is the deep relaxation of muscles, which can be achieved through techniques like progressive muscle relaxation (PMR).

PMR is a form of therapy that involves tensing and then relaxing different muscle groups in the body, resulting in a release of muscle tension and an overall sense of relaxation. Additionally, the release of tension is another factor that can contribute to shaking.

According to research, emotional processing occurs in the limbic structures of the brain, and we’re constantly taking in information that generates pre-conscious autonomic nervous responses.

Therefore, releasing pent-up tension can be crucial in managing stress and preventing it from developing into more severe symptoms of anxiety, trauma, or other emotional conditions. Finally, energy blockages can also be a contributing factor to the shaking sensation, and there are various techniques and practices available to help clear and release blocked energy in the body.

How to Reduce Shaking During Meditation: Tips and Techniques

I. Proper Meditation Posture

A. Sit in a comfortable position

1. Use a cushion or chair if needed

2. Keep your spine straight

3. Relax your shoulders

4. Keep your chin slightly tucked

B. Focus on your breath

1. Breathe through your nose.

Note interruptions and return focus to your breath.

II. Gradual Progression in Meditation Practice

A. Start with shorter sessions

1. Begin with 5-10 minutes per day

2. Gradually increase time as you become more comfortable

B. Explore different meditation techniques

1. Walking meditation

2. Body scan meditation

3. Loving-kindness meditation

III. Mindfulness Techniques to Help Reduce Anxiety and Stress Levels

A. Notice your posture more outside of meditation

1. Become more aware of your body during the day

2. Understand how posture influences emotions and mind

B. Practice self-compassion

1. Take a 5-minute self-compassion break

2. Embrace feelings of joy and appreciation

C. Use the power of the long exhale

1. Slowly exhale for longer than you inhale

2. Helps activate the relaxation response

Also, read:

Should you be Worried?

When you notice your body shaking during meditation, it means that you are making progress. If you notice this happens, we recommend that you try concentrating on your body. If possible, it would be better that you allow it to be, especially if it does not mess up your meditation. Put attention on breathing through your nostrils to your belly.

While you get more experienced, you will learn how to easily deal with it during meditation.

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