How to tell Real Orgonite Pyramids from Fake

Real Orgonite Pyramids

Have you heard of orgonite pyramids before? If you have just learned about them, then you are probably wondering if what you are purchasing is real or not.

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Well, the truth is, orgonite pyramids are becoming rapidly popular in the world. They have been found to have certain benefits in regulating negative energy around us. However, if you have a fake one, you should not expect these benefits, which is why it is important to find a real one.

To help you, we have prepared this post to help you figure out how to tell real orgonite pyramids from fake. We will look at the features you should look out for to identify the genuine thing. Read on for deeper details.

About Orgonite

Orgone Pyramid

First, we will start by briefly discussing what orgonite is and what is used for. It is a substance that is made using quartz, metals, and resin. You can find it in a range of forms including orgonite stone, pyramid, or even crystal.

Are orgone pyramids fake? Well, an orgone pyramid is a source of orgone energy that will not only help you heal, but also protect you from any negative energy around you. It also helps in negating the effects of EMF radiation.

How to tell if an Orgone Pyramid is real or not

Well, here are things you should look out for in orgonite pyramids.

Metal Shavings

A genuine orgone pyramid should have inorganic material. The inorganic material refers to the metal shavings that are in the pyramid.

50 % of the orgone pyramid must be made using metal shavings for it to function the way t should. This inorganic material has the purpose of dispersing energy around your surroundings.


The other 50 % of the pyramid should be made using organic materials. This can be resin or other materials such as quartz. This portion of the pyramid helps absorb the positive energy that is in the environment. When put together with the inorganic material, it forms a harmony in energy.

Crystals and Gemstones

You should know that this is not a requirement for orgonite pyramids. Even so, they are helpful because when the crystals are infused inside them, they acquire additional benefits based on the type of gemstone or crystal used.

Fake Orgonite Pyramids

Fake Orgone Pyramid

So, is there fake orgonite? There are several in the market that are meant to fool you. If you notice that the orgone pyramids do not have these specific aspects, they are not genuine. They might look beautiful but they would simply be art without any type of benefit.

Is Orgonite a scam?

While there have been many reports of people claiming to have experienced amazing results from using orgonite, there is a lack of scientific evidence to prove its effectiveness. That being said, orgonite is becoming increasingly popular, and many people are claiming to have experienced positive benefits from using it.

If you’re considering using orgonite, it’s important to do your own research and decide for yourself if it’s right for you. Do some research online and take a look at the reviews of orgonite products. You can also talk to people who have already experienced the effects of orgonite to hear their stories.

Also, read: How To Tell If Palo Santo Is Real


If you want an orgone device, you should find a device that will work the way it should. Browse the market for a wide range of beautiful orgonite products in different online shops. You can also find them in different sizes, shapes, and prices. Therefore, find one that will please you the most.

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