How To Control Kundalini Energy

How to stop Kundalini energy

Last Updated on September 7, 2023 by IncenseJunction

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We understand that controlling kundalini energy can be a complex and challenging process. Kundalini energy, often referred to as the “coiled serpent,” is an energetic force that is said to reside at the base of the spine. When awakened, it can rise through the chakras, or energy centers, and bring about spiritual awakening and transformation.

However, if not properly controlled, it can lead to physical and mental imbalances. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore effective methods for controlling kundalini energy and achieving balance in your spiritual practice.

Understanding Kundalini Energy Kundalini energy is a powerful force that lies dormant in the human body until awakened. It is said to reside at the base of the spine, coiled like a serpent, and can be activated through spiritual practices such as yoga, meditation, and pranayama.

When awakened, it rises through the chakras, purifying and balancing the energetic body and leading to spiritual enlightenment. However, it can also lead to physical and mental imbalances if not properly controlled.

5 Methods for Managing Kundalini Energy

  1. Hatha Yoga is a physical practice that uses postures, breathwork, and meditation to balance the body and mind. Through the practice of asanas, or physical postures, the nervous system can be toned up, bringing it under the conscious control of the practitioner. This helps to regulate kundalini energy and prevent it from rising too quickly.
  2. Raja Yoga is a spiritual practice that uses meditation and self-discipline to achieve self-realization. Through the practice of meditation, the mind can be trained to remain calm and focused, preventing it from being overwhelmed by the energy of the rising kundalini.
  3. Vedanta is a spiritual philosophy that teaches that the true nature of the self is pure consciousness. Through the practice of self-inquiry and meditation, the practitioner can realize this truth and achieve liberation from the limitations of the ego. This helps to regulate kundalini energy and prevent it from causing imbalances in the mind and body.
  4. Chakra Meditation is a practice that involves focusing on the seven chakras, or energy centers, in the body. Through the use of visualization and breathwork, the practitioner can balance and purify these centers, helping to regulate the flow of kundalini energy and prevent it from causing imbalances.
  5. Grounding Practices such as spending time in nature, walking barefoot on the grass, and practicing grounding breathwork can help to regulate the flow of kundalini energy and prevent it from causing imbalances in the mind and body. These practices help to bring the energy down from the head and into the lower parts of the body, promoting a sense of calm and balance.


  • What is kundalini energy?

Kundalini energy is a powerful energetic force that lies dormant in the human body until awakened. It is said to reside at the base of the spine, coiled like a serpent, and can be activated through spiritual practices such as yoga, meditation, and pranayama.

  • What are the benefits of controlling kundalini energy?

The benefits of controlling kundalini energy include spiritual awakening, purification, the balance of the energetic body, and increased awareness and intuition.

  • What are the risks of awakening kundalini energy?

The risks of awakening kundalini energy include physical and mental imbalances, such as anxiety, depression, and psychosis, if not properly controlled.


In nutshell

kundalini energy can be controlled through meditation, visualization, and other techniques. By understanding the power of this energy and how to use it to benefit your life, you can use kundalini energy to attain a higher level of consciousness, spiritual growth, and healing. With practice and dedication, you can gain control of your kundalini energy and use it to improve your mental and physical well-being.

2 thoughts on “How To Control Kundalini Energy

  1. Dillon Rainforth says:

    Please can you help me, I have had head pressure from Kundalini for over 5 years, please and thank you.

    • incensejunction says:

      Hey there! I totally understand how frustrating it can be to deal with head pressure from Kundalini for such a long time. While I’m not a medical professional, I’ve had some personal experiences with Kundalini energy, and I might be able to offer some insights that could help you cope with this issue.

      First of all, it’s essential to recognize that Kundalini experiences can vary greatly from person to person, and what works for one may not work for another. However, there are some general practices that might alleviate the head pressure and promote a more balanced flow of energy. Regular meditation and mindfulness exercises can be beneficial in grounding and centering your energy. Focus on your breath and visualize the energy flowing smoothly through your body, releasing any tension or blockages in your head area. Additionally, incorporating gentle yoga or stretching exercises into your routine can help to maintain a healthy energy flow.

      Moreover, consider seeking guidance from an experienced Kundalini yoga teacher or energy healer who can provide personalized insights and techniques based on your specific situation. Remember to be patient with yourself, as Kundalini energy can be powerful and transformative, and it might take time to find the right approach for you. Don’t hesitate to reach out for support from like-minded individuals who have gone through similar experiences. There are many online communities where you can share your journey and learn from others. Keep exploring and experimenting, and with persistence, you might discover methods that bring relief and balance to your Kundalini energy. Wishing you the best of luck on your spiritual journey! 🌟

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