Understanding REM During Meditation: Myths and Facts

REM happen in meditation?

Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years and is known to provide numerous benefits for both the mind and body. During meditation, one is expected to sit quietly, focus on their breath, and allow their thoughts to come and go without getting attached to them. It is said to bring about a sense of inner peace, calmness, and clarity.

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While meditating, many people experience different sensations in their bodies, including eye movement. This article aims to explore the relationship between Rapid Eye Movement (REM) and meditation, the importance of REM sleep, and how it can affect the body during meditation.

Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep is a well-known phenomenon during sleep, but what happens when we experience REM during meditation? While there is a lot of information available on REM sleep, there is not much research on REM during meditation.

We will explore what REM is, its significance, and whether it can occur during meditation. We will also discuss any myths surrounding REM during meditation and provide you with some tips on how to reduce eye strain during meditation.

What is REM Sleep?

Is meditation the same as REM sleep

REM sleep is a stage of sleep when the brain is highly active, and our eyes move rapidly from side to side. It is the stage of sleep where we have the most vivid dreams and where memories are consolidated.

During this stage, the body’s muscles are paralyzed to prevent acting out dreams, and the brain’s electrical activity increases. Typically, REM sleep occurs around 90 minutes after falling asleep and recurs several times throughout the night, with each episode getting longer.

The Importance of REM Sleep

REM sleep is an essential part of the sleep cycle where much of the body operates similarly to when you’re awake. However, your eyes are closed, and you experience a temporary loss of muscle tone. Researchers have hypothesized that this is a protective measure, meant to stop you from acting out your dreams and injuring yourself.

During REM sleep, the brain is highly active, and this is where most of our dreams occur. It is also the stage of sleep where our memory consolidation and emotional regulation occur.

The importance of REM sleep extends beyond just the sleep cycle. Research has shown that a lack of REM sleep can cause adverse effects on our mental and physical health, including a decrease in cognitive function, mood disorders, and a weakened immune system.

The Link Between Eye Movement and Meditation


Eye movement is a natural phenomenon that occurs during sleep and is also observed during meditation. In meditation, if you feel your eyes moving too much or straining, it is essential to relax all tension around the eyes. Your eyes will tense up again, and when they do, relax the tension again. Check-in with the tension in your eyes every few moments, and repeat this relaxing step as many times as necessary.

During REM sleep, eye movement is a natural occurrence and an indication of brain activity. Studies have shown that eye movement during REM sleep can be linked to the processing of emotional and stressful experiences. Similarly, during meditation, the eyes may move as the mind processes emotions, thoughts, and experiences.

Can REM Occur During Meditation?

REM during meditation is a rare occurrence, and there is not much research on the topic. However, some Buddhist meditation practitioners report experiencing REM during their practice. The exact cause of REM during meditation is unclear, but it could be due to stress or anxiety.

The Benefits of REM Sleep and Meditation

Getting enough REM sleep and practicing meditation can bring numerous benefits to the body and mind. Some of these benefits include:

  • Improved memory consolidation and emotional regulation
  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Improved focus and concentration
  • Increased creativity and productivity
  • Improved overall health and well-being

Myths Surrounding REM During Meditation

There are many myths surrounding REM during meditation. One myth is that experiencing REM during meditation is a sign of a deeper meditative state. This is not true. While REM during meditation can happen, it is not necessarily an indication of a deeper meditative state Another myth is that REM during meditation is harmful or dangerous. There is no evidence to support this claim, and REM during meditation is generally harmless.


Reducing Eye Strain During Meditation

If you are experiencing eye strain during meditation, there are a few things you can do to reduce it. Firstly, make sure you are sitting in a comfortable position with good posture. Next, try to relax all tension around your eyes. If you feel your eyes moving or straining, relax the tension, and repeat this process as necessary. Another way to reduce eye strain is to take breaks and look away from your meditation object. This will help to rest your eyes and prevent eye strain.

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