Difference Between Shamanic Journey And Meditation

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Shamanic Journey Vs. Meditation: Understanding the Core Differences

When it comes to mindfulness practices, two techniques that often get compared are shamanic journeying and meditation. While both practices have the potential to lead to deep inner transformation and spiritual growth, they are fundamentally different in their approach and focus. In this article, we will explore the key differences between shamanic journeying and meditation.

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Shamanic Journeying

Shamanic Journeying

Shamanic journeying is a meditative practice that has been used by indigenous cultures for thousands of years as a way to connect with the spirit world and gain insight and guidance from the unseen realms. In shamanic journeying, the practitioner enters into an altered state of consciousness through the use of drumming or other rhythmic sounds, and visualizes themselves traveling to another realm or dimension.

Once there, they can interact with spirit guides, receive messages, and gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their place in the universe.

One of the key differences between shamanic journeying and meditation is the focus of the practice. While meditation is often used as a tool for developing mindfulness and awareness of the present moment, shamanic journeying is more focused on the exploration of the spirit world and gaining insights into the mysteries of life.

Additionally, shamanic journeying is often done with the help of a shaman or other experienced guide, who can provide support and protection for the practitioner as they navigate the unseen realms.



Meditation, on the other hand, is a practice that has been used in various forms across many cultures for thousands of years. In its simplest form, meditation involves focusing the mind on a single object, such as the breath or a mantra, and observing the thoughts and sensations that arise without judgment or attachment. Through consistent practice, meditation can help to develop concentration, mindfulness, and a greater sense of inner peace and well-being.

One of the primary differences between shamanic journeying and meditation is the way in which the practitioner approaches the practice. While shamanic journeying involves entering into an altered state of consciousness and actively seeking out information and guidance from the spirit world, meditation is more focused on simply observing and becoming aware of one’s thoughts and feelings as they arise. Additionally, while shamanic journeying is often done in a group setting with the help of a shaman or other guide, meditation can be practiced alone or with others in a wide range of settings.


While both shamanic journeying and meditation are powerful mindfulness practices that can lead to deep inner transformation and spiritual growth, they are fundamentally different in their approach and focus.

Shamanic journeying is more focused on exploring the mysteries of life and gaining insights from the spirit world, while meditation is more focused on developing mindfulness and awareness of the present moment. Ultimately, the choice between these two practices will depend on one’s personal preferences and spiritual goals.

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